YouTube Video Marketing | YouTube Video SEO
Hi, guys my name is Dustin Williams this video is going to be about youtube video marketing and youtube video SEO or search engine optimization. Specifically, I want to talk to you about the way in which I am trying to and plan to succeed to rank on google for these search terms youtube video marketing and youtube video SEO so the plan is to be on the first page of google. For those search terms in a relatively short period of time I'm doing this through a course that I found online just searching to try to basically search for the same terms that you might have searched for I'd you stumbled upon this page so the course is a nineteen video course it's a step-by-step video course it i think each video is roughly five to ten minutes some little bit longer maybe a couple a little
bit shorter it details the process of the on-site SEO process and the off-site SEO process both of them you know when you when you optimize as you should when they come together i guess the hope is this results in you ending up on the first page of Google for your search terms so you do this the on-site part is i would say probably the majority of the course even though it's probably a smaller percentage of what google and Youtube's algorithm actually look at to rank a keyword phrase so as I told you to youtube video marketing and youtube video SEO my keyword phrases I'm going to go over to Google AdWords keyword tool very popular free tool and I'm going to show you you can see right here this is the phrase that I typed in youtube video marketing you want to make sure the exact match type is checked over here and hit search you come up with youtube video marketing competition you kind of ignore that that's for advertising only and look at global monthly searches let me extend this out real quick and local monthly searches so 390 and 170 so a relatively low search volume. Considering, however, there are always the much higher competition keywords as you can see down here you know good luck ranking for youtube or video marketing that's possibly a little bit harder to do probably a lot more off-site SEO involvement. Okay but with this kind of a search volume i expect I could be able to rank after I actually get everything done and the links built and everything it should probably take less than a week or a week you got to be happy with a month you know that's not bad at all considering most people will never see the first page of Google for their targeted search phrase okay so let's go back over to my channel this is my channel you can see right here a lot of this is just a description this is kind of part of the on-site SEO stuff so you make sure you include your keyword phrases a lot and then your off-site SEO goes into building links involving anchor text nofollow do follow that kind of thing you'll learn about that in free video that is provided should you click on say this link or I'll have a link right underneath the description in the video here as well so you can click on that you go to the site where you can obtain your free video regarding the off-site SEO. A piece of this I would encourage you to just do that it's free it's about 40 minutes long most people don't know.
The information they are providing so all of that is very useful stuff and i would highly suggest you do it okay so see think i cover just about everything with you guys today again I would just say if this video or channel is ranked on the first page of google for these terms i think that is pretty much evidence enough to you that this product that I'm talking about works and you can
target basically anything you want competition is a big factor but I think given enough time just about anything you could rank for certainly for my terms I think I could rank really quite quickly so for most things that are what you're probably be targeting anyways is lower competition you know between thousand and five thousand area that even less than a thousand because most of those keyword phrases are very targeted so in other words. If a person clicks on or searches for those terms they're much more likely to follow through with whatever you're offering them whatever opportunity is could be a website your blog your products that you're selling or promoting affiliate marketing any of the above so yeah thanks for watching guys I hope you click on my links and go watch the free video and good luck to you guys and pranking on youtube
bit shorter it details the process of the on-site SEO process and the off-site SEO process both of them you know when you when you optimize as you should when they come together i guess the hope is this results in you ending up on the first page of Google for your search terms so you do this the on-site part is i would say probably the majority of the course even though it's probably a smaller percentage of what google and Youtube's algorithm actually look at to rank a keyword phrase so as I told you to youtube video marketing and youtube video SEO my keyword phrases I'm going to go over to Google AdWords keyword tool very popular free tool and I'm going to show you you can see right here this is the phrase that I typed in youtube video marketing you want to make sure the exact match type is checked over here and hit search you come up with youtube video marketing competition you kind of ignore that that's for advertising only and look at global monthly searches let me extend this out real quick and local monthly searches so 390 and 170 so a relatively low search volume. Considering, however, there are always the much higher competition keywords as you can see down here you know good luck ranking for youtube or video marketing that's possibly a little bit harder to do probably a lot more off-site SEO involvement. Okay but with this kind of a search volume i expect I could be able to rank after I actually get everything done and the links built and everything it should probably take less than a week or a week you got to be happy with a month you know that's not bad at all considering most people will never see the first page of Google for their targeted search phrase okay so let's go back over to my channel this is my channel you can see right here a lot of this is just a description this is kind of part of the on-site SEO stuff so you make sure you include your keyword phrases a lot and then your off-site SEO goes into building links involving anchor text nofollow do follow that kind of thing you'll learn about that in free video that is provided should you click on say this link or I'll have a link right underneath the description in the video here as well so you can click on that you go to the site where you can obtain your free video regarding the off-site SEO. A piece of this I would encourage you to just do that it's free it's about 40 minutes long most people don't know.
The information they are providing so all of that is very useful stuff and i would highly suggest you do it okay so see think i cover just about everything with you guys today again I would just say if this video or channel is ranked on the first page of google for these terms i think that is pretty much evidence enough to you that this product that I'm talking about works and you can
target basically anything you want competition is a big factor but I think given enough time just about anything you could rank for certainly for my terms I think I could rank really quite quickly so for most things that are what you're probably be targeting anyways is lower competition you know between thousand and five thousand area that even less than a thousand because most of those keyword phrases are very targeted so in other words. If a person clicks on or searches for those terms they're much more likely to follow through with whatever you're offering them whatever opportunity is could be a website your blog your products that you're selling or promoting affiliate marketing any of the above so yeah thanks for watching guys I hope you click on my links and go watch the free video and good luck to you guys and pranking on youtube
See more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV9iMU1HTO4