Video SEO - How To Rank Videos In Google and YouTube

Video SEO - How To Rank Videos In Google and YouTube

Today we're going to show you everything you need to know. Get your video's ranked in Google and YouTube.
If you're watching this video, you probably already know that video is a very powerful tool for your business. But the problem is that most people don't see results because their video's never get seen. And refresh. Hey hows it going? Hey what's up. Yeah it's going good. I just got done uploading this video and I already have 20 views. No you didn't. I was just upstairs and I watched your video 20 times. What? You mean I've been working on this video and no ones even watching it? Well did you even optimize it? No. No? Why not? I mean I didn't even know.
Trust me, I've been in that situation before and it's not fun. So, to help you out, I'm going to show you my 9 step formula to get your videos ranked on the first page of Google and YouTube. So, let's start off with step number one, which is finding the perfect keyword keyword for your video. One of the biggest mistakes that most people make is they just create video's on any topic that pops into their head. What you should be doing is creating video's based on what people are actually searching for.
What are you looking for? Bathing suit? What type of bathing suit? Swimming briefs. So instead of just randomly guessing what people are looking for, you can actually find the specific keywords that people are looking for. And you can do this with the Google keyword tool, but just make sure the exact option is chosen when you're looking for your keywords. After you find your keyword we move on to step number 2, which is adding your keyword in your video script. Not every bathing suit is treated equally. At, we want to show you the widest variety of male swimming briefs possible. So come on, visit us at, come get your swim on. I mean come on. Look at me. Did I really just put that in the video? Well I guess it's a good thing I did because that video was a perfect example of using your keyword in the video. We ended up using our keyword 'swimming briefs', 3 times int hat short 30 second video.
Now when you're implementing this step, you need to be careful not to just list a bunch of keywords, but make sure your script actually flows. Now step number 3 is to upload your video but make sure your keyword is your file name. So in this case our video file name is going to be swimming briefs.mp4. And this just allows us to tell Google and YouTube what our video is all about. And now we move onto step number 4 which is putting in a proper title and description. Every title should begin with your main keyword and then you can add in a secondary keyword, or more information about your video. The more text you have associated with your video the better. Which is why the description is so important. Every video should be a minimum of 200 words, but I recommend between 200 and 400. The more, the better. Don't forget to add all of your keywords, different keyword variations and secondary keywords in your description. But make sure you don't just list a bunch of keywords, you want to make sure they actually flow. Don't forget to add your landing page or your website URL at the top of your description so that it's easily seen. But you can also add in your video URL at the bottom of the description, and you can also add in a link to your channel. And now we move onto step number 5, which is adding in your tags. The biggest thing to remember is to not go overboard.
Tags tags tags tags tags tags tags. That was annoying right? Well Google and YouTube find it annoying when you add in a ton of tags because it's very hard for them to determine exactly what your video is all about. All you really need to do is just put in your main keywords and your channel name. When you put in your channel name, all of your videos will be lumped together in the related video's field. And now we move onto step number 6, which is uploading a transcript of your video. And you can upload one under the captions tab of your video. So a transcript is just a word for word description of the audio in your video. And this is a huge indicator to Google and YouTube, telling them exactly what your video is all about. And I never recommend skipping this step because it's very important to getting your video ranked and it only takes a few minutes, especially if you outsource it. Now this is everything you need to do to get your video uploaded correctly, but if you stop here you may only get a trickle of views and your YouTube channel could be a ghost town. But the next few steps we're going to show you how to get a flood of traffic to your videos.
And now we're moving right along to step number 7, which is building your channel and using playlists. So the stronger your channel is, the easier it's going to be for you to rank videos. And there are 5 things that you can do to increase the power behind your channel. You can get more real views, you can get more real subscribers, you can get more real comments and likes on your videos, you can build back links to your channel, and you can stay active. Think of it this way. If wrote an article on video marketing, and then I setup a website and 2 days later I wrote an article about video marketing, who do you think Google is going to rank higher? Of course they're going to rank CNN's article higher. They're a huge site, they're consistent, they're always uploading content, they always have a bunch of comments on their articles, they're a very powerful website. And the same process goes with YouTube channels. The more active and powerful a channel is, the higher and easier your videos are going to get ranked. And this is because they see you as a trusted authority. And the second part to step 7 is using playlists. All you need to do is create playlists using your main keyword, and then throw your video's in that playlist. YouTube's going to realize that they're in a playlist with your main keyword, and they're going to give a little bit more weight to that video.
And now we move on to step number 8, which is getting more social indicators. Social indicators are quickly becoming an important ranking factor to your video. Things like Facebook likes, twitter shares, Google pluses, and pins are extremely important for your video. And of all the Google algorithm changes going on lately, I strongly recommend you focus a lot of your time on social indicators. There's a few ways you can do this. You can obviously post it on your profiles. So if you have a Facebook profile, a pinterest board or a Twitter profile, go ahead, upload your video's there and share it with your audience. But when you do that, you should always encourage them to hit the like and share buttons, so you can maximize the amount of social indicators from one post. And there's also one technique that I love to use because it is super effective to get organic social indicators. And this is my viral video marketing technique. And I do have a video explaining the viral video marketing technique and you can get it at the end of this video. So don't click it now. Don't, don't click.
Now we're moving on to step number 9 which is getting back links and embeds. The more websites you have linking to your video and embedding your video, the more powerful your video becomes. But you need to be very careful because building spammy back links, getting spammy embeds, and building too many back links too fast, can negative affects on your video. And I also like to get a wide range of back links to my videos. So this includes things like social bookmarks, article marketing, web 2.0's, and wikis. And you can even through in some document sharing sites like So there you have it, those are the 9 steps you need to get your videos ranked in Google and YouTube. And I know this is a lot of information for you to take in and for this reason I actually put together some free training for everyone who stayed to the end of this video. To get your free training, all you need to do is click the button right here, or the link below in the text description. So go on guys, get your free training and click that link below. I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did, let me know by leaving me a comment, hitting the thumbs up button, and this is Brandon from signing out. Don't lie you're a little turned on right now.Oh my god. What is wrong with you? Get a flood of traffic to your videos. I think we got it. That was perfect. Alright man. That hit a little harder than I thought it would. Did you slam it down? You just dropped it? Yeah. Are you alright? Yeah I'm good. just went pop. Yeah I know. After these messages, we'll be right back. video seo youtube

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Video SEO - How To Rank Videos In Google and YouTubeToday we're going to show you everything you need to know. Get your video's ranked in Google and YouTube. If you're watching this video, you probably already know that video is a very powerful tool for your business. But the problem is that most people don't see re...