These are group of Google Scripts to assist with Video SEO by converting files and creating files with spun content.
Just click the link then click File then Make a Copy If you have any questions contact me at
This script will Copy a Doc and add image, link and spun content. Just click this link then click File then Make a Copy. You just use the sheet to paste your spun content, set the folder of the files you want to copy, then the name for the resulting files(we add a 4 digit random number at the end), and then your Link. You will need to have a folder named 'Images 'with your images in and the aspect ratio needs to be 1280x720.
This script is designed to take a HTML file and put in into markup format so you can paste it into a PasteBin account. When You upload the HTML files you need to have your settings set to 'Convert uploads' so Google can recognize them.